Sungwoo Park
2018-11-01 10:55:46 UTC
I am pleased to announce the release of MR3 0.4. A new feature of MR3 0.4
is its support for Hive 3.1.0 and Hadoop 3.1.0.
As with previous releases, I have published a blog article that evaluates
the performance of popular SQL-on-Hadoop systems. It compares the following
systems using both sequential tests and concurrency tests:
1. Hive-LLAP included in HDP 2.6.4
1'. Hive-LLAP included in HDP 3.0.1
2. Presto 0.203e (with cost-based optimization enabled)
2'. Presto 0.208e (with cost-based optimization enabled)
3. SparkSQL 2.2.0 included in HDP 2.6.4
3'. SparkSQL 2.3.1 included in HDP 3.0.1
4. Hive 3.1.0 running on top of Tez
4'. Hive on Tez included in HDP 3.0.1
5. Hive 3.1.0 running on top of MR3 0.4
6. Hive 2.3.3 running on top of MR3 0.4
I use three clusters (11 nodes, 21 nodes, 42 nodes) in the experiment. The
blog article can be found at:
You can download MR3 0.4 at:
--- Sungwoo Park
is its support for Hive 3.1.0 and Hadoop 3.1.0.
As with previous releases, I have published a blog article that evaluates
the performance of popular SQL-on-Hadoop systems. It compares the following
systems using both sequential tests and concurrency tests:
1. Hive-LLAP included in HDP 2.6.4
1'. Hive-LLAP included in HDP 3.0.1
2. Presto 0.203e (with cost-based optimization enabled)
2'. Presto 0.208e (with cost-based optimization enabled)
3. SparkSQL 2.2.0 included in HDP 2.6.4
3'. SparkSQL 2.3.1 included in HDP 3.0.1
4. Hive 3.1.0 running on top of Tez
4'. Hive on Tez included in HDP 3.0.1
5. Hive 3.1.0 running on top of MR3 0.4
6. Hive 2.3.3 running on top of MR3 0.4
I use three clusters (11 nodes, 21 nodes, 42 nodes) in the experiment. The
blog article can be found at:
You can download MR3 0.4 at:
--- Sungwoo Park